Monday, August 13, 2012

Leaving Lincoln

I'm still in the process of packing everything up and moving out of my apartment in Lincoln, but somehow I'm going to hit the road tomorrow and leave this city for a while. 
It's hard saying goodbye to this place and the people I love, but I know that life has a lot of amazing things in store for me.
I just want to say thank you to everybody who loves me and supports me.  I couldn't be making this move without you.
 I'm creating this blog as a way to stay in touch with you while I'm in seminary. I'll share some of my achievements and struggles, and plenty of insights.  I hope you enjoy it.

1 comment:

  1. I've never started a blog myself because I lack the discipline. I hope you keep this going for you to chart your own progress as much as to share with friends and family. Consider the emotional, intellectual, and spiritual growth you've had in the last three years and I think you'll realize that the next two or three (how long are you going to be there?) will be at least as full and rich. Best wishes!
